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"Finally #Linux🐧on the official work laptop 💻. I am one of the first in the state administration of #SchleswigHolstein to be allowed to try out the "+1 Linux workstation". 😀"



Endlich #Linux🐧auf dem offiziellen Dienstlaptop 💻. Bin einer der ersten in der Landesverwaltung #SchleswigHolstein, die den "+1 Linux Arbeitsplatz" ausprobieren dürfen. 😀


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teilten dies erneut

Als Antwort auf KDE

my company was considering a mandate for company computers for all work (new thing).

i agreed, and sent a link to the #framework 13 and said I'd run debian on it.

to my surprise I got approval from both my manager and IT!

it goes to show... if you don't ask, you won't get what you want (you'll get windows).

Als Antwort auf KDE

One of my reasons for leaving my previous job at the Danish Hospital sector was, that I was no longer allowed to use Linux/KDE on my work Labtop.
Good to see that others have a more pragmatic approach to things.
Als Antwort auf KDE

Awesome! 😃
I just changed to Linux with my private laptop this week. What a relief after Microsoft grew more and more annoying every year.